Tag Guardian Druid

John Barrymore April 06, 2024 6 minutes
In this blog post, the author provides a review and analysis of the Druid of the Claw Hero Talents coming in the next World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within. The post explores the core concepts of the talent tree, such as catweaving and massive attacks, and analyzes each individual talent, separating them into thumbs up or thumbs down categories based on their effectiveness and gameplay impact.
John Barrymore March 08, 2024 6 minutes
In this blog post, the author provides an early review of the Elune's Chosen Druid Hero Talents for Guardian in Blizzard's upcoming expansion, The War Within. The author discusses the strong lunar fantasy of the talents, as well as some filler talents that may not feel heroic.
John Barrymore February 26, 2024 3 minutes
Players of Guardian Druids are facing issues with a popular macro that prevents accidentally leaving Bear Form. The macro, which disables the auto-shifting feature, is no longer working, leaving players vulnerable in combat. The cause of this sudden change is unknown, but players speculate it may be linked to a Classic change affecting retail. Until a solution is found, caution is advised when using the Dream of Cenarius talent.
John Barrymore February 06, 2024 5 minutes
This blog post offers a retrospective on the journey of the Guardian Druid spec in the Dragonflight expansion. It discusses the ups and downs, talent tree and utility issues, lack of borrowed power and tier sets, and hopes for the spec's future in The War Within. The post is written by Pumps, a knowledgeable Guardian Druid player and guide writer.